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  • Bureau of Digital Executive Coaching

    Today’s agency challenges demand more from digital leaders than ever before. As part of your Lead or Partner membership with the Bureau of Digital, you have access to coaching sessions with Built on Purpose, led by fellow Bureau member, Erik Reagan.

    This is included in your membership, so take a look below at what's available to you. Make the most of what you're already investing in as a Bureau member.

    Coaching Background Image

    Approach and Process

    What to expect

    What executive coaching is

    Executive coaching is a process where a coach helps you get from where you are to where you want to be. Topics can span a variety of opportunities and challenges related to performance, leadership, relationships, stress, and personal growth. Your coach isn't here to solve your problem or tell you what to do, but rather help you better understand what you want, what your options are, and what you can do next.

    How you can leverage executive coaching

    If you don’t already have a topic you’d like to explore, here are three prompts that can help: 1. What challenge are you facing now for which you don’t have a clear next step? 2. If you could wave a magic wand and fix something in your life, what would it be? 3. Where are you currently feeling stuck? If one of these prompts gets you thinking about a specific answer, then that might be a good place to start.

    Confidentiality and the Bureau Oath

    If you've attended certain Bureau events in the past, you're familiar with The Bureau Oath: "I promise not to divulge anything someone shares over the course of our time together that a reasonable person would consider sensitive or confidential." All coaching sessions are confidential and honor this oath.

    Timing and frequency

    These sessions are what we call Laser Coaching Sessions. They tend to last about 15–20 minutes long and they're laser-focused on a single topic. We schedule them in 30-minute blocks so that you have some built-in time to take action immediately following the session. Your Bureau membership includes one laser coaching session per month.

    Ready for a session?

    How to Start

    Getting started is as simple as scheduling a session by clicking the button below, or sending @erikreagan a DM in the Bureau Slack. Feel free to reach out with any questions about the sessions.

    “I didn't initially think I needed executive coaching. But then I read some of your prompts and questions and realized...I need executive coaching!

    Photo of Carl Smith
    Carl Smith – Bureau Host
    Carl Smith in a coaching session with Erik Reagan on Zoom

    Erik Reagan & Built on Purpose

    About your coach

    Nearly fifteen years ago, Erik Reagan co-founded the brand agency Focus Lab. After spending years building websites for clients, he shifted his focus to operations and culture development as the company grew.

    The more self-discovery Erik did, the more it became clear to him that he needed to work his way out of his CEO seat, then out of his COO seat, and eventually out of a leadership role altogether. Doing this allowed him to spend his time doing what gets him out of bed most: one-on-one coaching.

    Today, Erik helps agency owners and leaders think differently about what work can be. He is a certified personal and executive coach (CPEC) guiding clients to rediscover their professional purpose and to craft and sustain the life and lifestyle that they long for.

    He also cringes when writing in the third person. Alas, here we are.

    Photo of Erik Reagan at his computer during a coaching session

    Questions you may have

    If you have a question not answered here, you can send a DM to @erikreagan in the Bureau Slack or use our contact form here.

    How many sessions can I schedule per month? + -

    As a Lead or Partner member, you can have one laser coaching session per month with our team. These sessions are tracked per-person, not per-team. If your Bureau membership has six people in the Bureau, each of those six people can have one session per month.

    Am I guaranteed a session every month? + -

    This is a new program with the Bureau, so we will likely need a month or two to gauge capacity limits, guarantees, etc. With that in mind, this is a first-come-first-serve Bureau perk right now. Until we crack the code of the space-time continuum, time will always be a limiting factor. Using the scheduling link is the best way to gauge our team's availabiltiy for a given month.

    How far in advance can I book? + -

    You can schedule a session up to 30 days away.

    Can I reschedule an existing session? + -

    Absolutely. If you need to reschedule a session, just use the link provided in the calendar invite and look for a new time. Note that times will always be subject to the availiabilty of our team.

    What if I want more coaching time for myself? + -

    It's no surprise that after an impactful laser coaching session you're curious about deeper, more focused coaching. Built on Purpose has a few different coaching programs designed for entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives. The best way to discover the right program for you is to have a conversation with our team. Reach out here and we can talk about bringing the change you're looking for through coaching.

    What if I want more coaching time for my leadership team? + -

    Providing a leadership team consistent access to executive coaching can be like a secret weapon in business. We have two services for leadership teams: The first is our On-Call Coaching service where your team can reach out any time for laser sessions. The other option is guaranteed recurring sessions with your leaders. The best way to discover the right program for you is to have a conversation with our team. Reach out here and we can talk about bringing the change you're looking for through coaching.

    Who do I contact if I have questions first? + -