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    Article Start with Wins: The Power of Positive Meeting Openings

    Ever notice how a single positive interaction can shift the entire trajectory of your day? There's actually solid science behind that feeling, and it's something you can strategically use to transform your leadership team meetings from good to exceptional.

    Written by Erik

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    Blog four agreements


    Leading with Wisdom: Applying the Five Agreements in Your Business

    A few weeks ago, I was chatting with two fellow business owners. One was sharing a significant challenge with a client when the other, Drew, brought up The…

    Erik Reagan

    Header budgeting for prof dev


    The Do’s and Don’ts of Budgeting for Professional Development

    When it comes to professional development, small business owners face a unique challenge. With limited resources, you need every dollar to stretch as far as…

    Erik Reagan

    Header healthy high performers


    Healthy High Performers: What Sets Them Apart

    As a business owner, you’ve likely come across people who seem to consistently operate at a high level, delivering exceptional results without burning out.…

    Erik Reagan

    Building a Database of Stories


    Building a Database of Stories

    During a recent exchange about public speaking, I was asked the following question: "One thing I struggle with is remembering and surfacing relevant stories at…

    Erik Reagan

    Erik teaching


    Webinar: 6 Burnout Blindspots Agency Owners Can Beat

    Running a digital agency can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be exhausting. The long hours, constant pressure, and endless to-do lists can quickly…

    Erik Reagan

    Blog Image Headers


    A Simple Exercise to Face Self-Doubt

    It’s not uncommon for high-performing professionals to struggle with self-doubt, even when they receive consistent praise and validation from their peers.…

    Erik Reagan

    Practice makes impact


    Practice Makes Impact in Storytelling

    In a recent leadership workshop, we discussed the role of storytelling in leadership and meetings. Storytelling is an immensely powerful tool for conveying…

    Erik Reagan

    Power of reflecting


    The Power of Reflecting

    How often do you slow down and take the time to reflect on how things are going at work? Odds are good that it’s not as often as you’d like. It is easy to get…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Cheering for others


    Cheering for Others

    There are few things in this life that get me more excited than cheering for others. It is one of the simplest things we can do for people around us, and yet,…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Happy at work


    The Importance of Healthy Work Culture

    When we set out to build a business, we are often focused on and passionate about a specific product, mission, or service. As business grows, so does our team.…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    How to leave work at work header


    How to Leave Work at Work

    Have you ever struggled to leave work at work? When I was a teacher, it took me close to a decade to realize I needed to prioritize my own well-being ahead of…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Appreciation header


    Showing Appreciation at Work

    Have you ever had this experience? It’s Friday afternoon (or even well into the weekend) and it dawns on you that you forgot to highlight something a teammate…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Blog virtual events


    Maximizing Your Virtual Conference Experience: Tips for Success

    Virtual conferences have become increasingly popular as a means to connect, learn, and network from the comfort of our homes. While attending a virtual…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Vulnerability 3 ways


    3 Ways Vulnerability is an Asset in the Workplace

    Most people are taught at an early age that vulnerability ("uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure", according to Brené Brown) is scary. Whether it be in an…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Are you a leader header


    Are You a Leader?

    Have you ever had a group of people staring at you and expecting you to know the answers to their questions? When you think of a leader, perhaps you imagine…

    Laura Sue Johnson

    Ai leadership letting someone go


    AI and Leadership: Letting a Team Member Go

    You’ve probably noticed the rise in discussing Artificial Intelligence over the past few months. Specifically, the rapid growth of a tool called ChatGPT. Today…

    Erik Reagan

    Lifelong Learning


    Lifelong Learning

    Have you ever stopped to consider if you’re still learning in the room you’re in or if you’ve outgrown that space? Being the smartest person in the room isn’t…

    Inda Deleon

    Navigating challenging seasons


    Navigating Challenging Seasons

    We all encounter challenging seasons in life. We don’t always know why. And we can’t always control the circumstances. But we can control how we respond. How…

    Inda Deleon

    Spanish moss header

    Press Release

    $1,051,548.90 of medical debt—GONE

    When we launched Built on Purpose in late August, we set our sights high for generosity. Giving back is woven deeply into our mission and even sits at the root…

    Erik Reagan

    Blog Image Header


    A Resolutions Check-in

    We’re officially one month into the year. Did you set any resolutions or goals for the year? How are those going? Let’s pause today for a quick check-in.

    Inda Deleon

    Crumpled paper


    Failing Forward

    Failure: a word many of us fear. It often means we didn’t accomplish what we were working towards. It can keep us from trying because we don’t want to…

    Inda Deleon

    Negative Beliefs Header


    What Beliefs Are You Choosing?

    Dealing with negative beliefs is something everyone struggles with at some point or another. And for some of us, it’s a regular struggle. Negative beliefs keep…

    Inda Deleon

    Law of the Mirror Header


    The Law of the Mirror

    Do you believe in yourself? It can be easy to pour into others with compassion, encouragement, and support. But do you do that for yourself? Do you speak to…

    Inda Deleon

    Growing Into Consistency


    Growing Into Consistency

    Have you ever had a clear picture of a goal, but lacked the motivation to keep working toward it? Chances are, I know your answer to that question. Motivation…

    Inda Deleon

    Average of five blog


    The Average of the Five Around You

    "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with" - this well-worn phrase, often attributed to Jim Rohn, has made its rounds in…

    Photo of Erik Reagan Photo of Inda Deleon

    Erik Reagan and Inda Deleon

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    The Law of the Rubber Band

    Growth is often uncomfortable. I love reading personal and professional growth books, and one that we talk about a lot at Built on Purpose is John Maxwell’s…

    Inda Deleon

    Miracle morn social


    What's in a Miracle Morning?

    I've had many flavors of a morning routine over time. Some routines I've enjoyed and valued more than others. But for a year or so, I've felt dissatisfied with…

    Erik Reagan

    Rip launch social


    Our $1.5 Million Launch

    What if I told you that you could turn a $1 donation into $100 or more of impact? That's a pretty incredible opportunity! And that's what we're doing as we…

    Erik Reagan



    Stop Trying to Find Time

    Time isn't something you can find. Yet, we often convince ourselves that we can't do certain things because we can't "find" the time. Have you ever said this…

    Erik Reagan

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    You Never Know

    Have you ever been meeting, collaborating, or chatting with someone who seemed a little “off” from their norm? If you work with the same people regularly, you…

    Erik Reagan



    Consuming and Doing

    I’m a big fan of learn­ing. I’m also a big fan of watch­ing oth­ers learn. It brings me a lot of joy. In fact, the importance of learn­ing runs through this…

    Erik Reagan



    Ditching Assumed Constraints

    When I was around fif­teen I start­ed learn­ing to play the gui­tar. I was quick­ly addict­ed to the six-stringed muse. Mak­ing music was already part of my…

    Erik Reagan

    Virtual one on one


    Power in Vulnerability

    Every oth­er week or so I get a ques­tion from some­one who knows I own a busi­ness. They’re ask­ing how busi­ness is going. And it seems they often expect a…

    Erik Reagan

    Greatest hits social


    Saving Your Greatest Hits

    People probably appreciate you. They probably mention it from time to time, too. If you don’t already have a habit of saving those mentions of appreciation,…

    Erik Reagan



    The Fallacy of Work-Life Balance

    Work-Life Bal­ance. It’s an often mys­ti­cal tar­get for many. The idea most peo­ple have is that of a two-sided scale. The weight of one side must equal the…

    Erik Reagan